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Sometimes, the library may not have a resource immediately available, but that needs to be requested from another institution. Depending on the item you're seeking will determine how to best proceed.
Occasionally, articles and other materials found in SearchONU or in our individual databases may display an option to request the source via ILL if a full-text option is not available. To request these items, simply select the option and complete the required fields on the form that displays (most of the fields pertaining to the source will be auto-filled). Alternatively, you can also visit our Interlibrary Loan page and complete a form there if you're looking for a source that doesn't appear in our databases or in OhioLINK.
Once you've completed either form, you'll receive an email containing the item you requested if it's electronic, or an email letting you know the item is available to be picked up from the library if it's physical.
For more information, watch our step-by-step tutorial found here.
To request an item from OhioLINK, find the item in the OhioLINK catalog and select the title to view the record. Once you've confirmed that a copy of the item is available from another institution, click the green request button on the page. Next, select "Ohio Northern U" from the dropdown menu and click the submit button beneath the field. You'll then need to enter your name and your ONU ID number into the Name and Barcode field, respectively. This number can be found on your ONU ID card.
Be sure that ONU is still selected as your pickup institution, and that "Law Library - Circulation Desk" is the pickup location, then select the submit button. Once your request has been made, you'll receive an email when it's ready to be picked up at the library.
For more information, watch our step-by-step tutorial found here.